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Can the hand chain hoist brake be replaced if it is damaged?


Can the hand chain hoist brake be replaced if it is damaged?


The brake of the hand chain hoist is a safety protection device during lifting operations. Users must check and maintain it regularly, and pay enough attention to its intact appearance and perfect performance. Then if serious damage occurs during inspection and needs to be scrapped, the relevant new brakes can be replaced. In order to ensure that you will not experience any abnormal damage after replacing the new brakes, please pay more attention to the following points we will introduce to you.

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First point, when purchasing new brakes, be sure to choose ones from the same manufacturer and the same specifications as the original ones. When purchasing a new brake for replacement, please go to the original manufacturer and choose one with the same material and model. Otherwise, problems such as uneven quality and mismatched specifications will affect the integrity of other components and the overall work efficiency;

Second point, please find a dedicated person to do the work of disassembling and replacing parts. Because the brake is an internal part of the hand chain hoist, it is also a very important internal part in operation. Therefore, for users who are not very clear about the structure of the hand chain hoist and its internal parts, please do not proceed without permission. Misalignment, unknown errors, and insufficient reliability in installation may occur. etc., will be directly related to future operations;

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Third point: after replacing the brake, do not rush to put it into use. Please conduct a lifting test first to check whether the working performance of the brake and other parts is normal. At the same time, before officially putting it into use, please paint the running parts High quality and appropriate amount of lubricating oil ensures the operating efficiency of the hand chain hoist.

The above three points are our brief introduction to the replacement of damaged brakes of hand chain hoists. If you have other questions about the use of hand chain hoists, please contact our WUYI technical staff directly.