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Why does the electric hoist only go up but not down?


Why does the electric hoist only go up but not down?


1. The reason why the electric hoist can only go up but not down

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1. Magnet failure

If the electric hoist only moves upward but not downward, it may be due to a faulty magnet. The magnet is a key component of the electric hoist. It absorbs the magnetic field generated by the motor rotor. If the magnet fails, the adsorption force will be insufficient and the electric hoist can only rise but not fall.

2. Motor failure

The electric hoist can only go up but not down, which may be caused by motor failure. The rising and falling movements of the electric hoist are controlled by the motor. If the motor fails, the electric hoist will lose its descending function.

3. Limit switch failure

The limit switch is the protection device of the electric hoist and is used to control the rising and falling stop positions of the electric hoist. If the limit switch fails, it may cause the electric hoist to only go up but not down.

2. Solution to the problem that the electric hoist can only go up but not go down

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1. Check the magnet

In order to solve the problem of the electric hoist only going up but not going down, you first need to check whether the magnet is faulty. This can be determined by checking the surface of the magnet for damage or wear. If there is no problem with the surface of the magnet, but the electric hoist still cannot move up and down, the magnet needs to be replaced.

2. Check the motor

If there is no problem with the magnet, but the electric hoist still cannot go up or down, the motor needs to be checked. You can determine whether there is a fault in the motor by checking whether the motor rotates flexibly and whether there is noise. If the motor is faulty, it will need to be replaced.

3. Check the limit switch

Finally, if there is no problem with the magnet and motor, you need to check the limit switch. You can determine whether the limit switch is faulty by checking whether the limit switch wiring is in good contact and whether the switch is sensitive. If there is a problem with the limit switch, the limit switch needs to be replaced.

In short, the electric hoist can only go up but not down, which may be caused by many reasons, but basically it can be solved through the above methods. I hope the content of this article can help you and make your electric hoist work properly!